Monday, August 4, 2008

Two Gum Fiascos in 20 Minutes

Fiasco #1: In one of the UPS packages I received in the mail today, someone from one of our branches put a pack of gum in with my regular mail, as well as some stuff she wanted me to transfer to another employee in my building. Since I do not normally get treats from the branches anymore, I assumed the gum was for the coworker, and so gave it to her. However I found out that the gum was intended for me, and now I feel really really bad for giving away a present. I wanted that gum, too. *pout* I rarely get treats, and when I do, I give them away like a doofus. I am saddened. And so, to further illustrate this doofusness, I will go on to Fiasco #2: My friend gave me a piece of gum before I got my packages in. Chewing away happily, I began to go through my notes, making sure they are originals and drawn up correctly and what not. While double-checking a particular signature that did not look original, I let my mouth hang open just slightly and there went the gum, right on the note! (which WAS original, by the way.) After staring in horror at my idiocy, (These are original notes - the $$ of the loan, and if I ruin one I am officially stupid.) I was able to realize that the gum was not stuck to the paper at all and I was saved. So, nothing truly extraordinary really happened, but blog-worthy nonetheless.

Oh! And I figured out why my posts are mostly about work. You ready to hear this?


It's because I have no life.

1 comment:

Linds said...

So, I just found your blog and I have to say: you are hilarious! *either that or I'm just sleep deprived*