Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Five Things I Luuurrve

I was tagged for a quiz thingy and didn't even know it until now. O_o So here I go! And I tag all of you who are reading this. All of you. Except the ones who have done it already. Here are 5 things I love: (you do the same)

1. Music - There has never been a time in my life or a feeling in my heart that I couldn't match with the perfect song. I've spent so much of my time finding new artists, and it has most often yielded pelasant results. I listen to everything in the spectrum of the music world. (Some considerably less than others, like country, rap....polka) I have also spent most of my life wielding some sort of instrument - violin, guitar, bass, piano. Unfortunately I'm not good enough to create music of my own worth listening to...but then again I've never really tried. I'd like to get to that point eventually. :D

2. Art - "Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~ Pablo Picasso. Art has always been an outlet for me, and I've enjoyed everything about it, whether it be googling some artist or another, reading a tutorial on how to create the effect of light with a pencil, or just making dorky comic strips in high school. :D I haven't done much on the creating end lately, and it makes me sad. I even bought supplies to start oil painting, something I've wanted to do for quite a while.

3. Men - What? You can't say you didn't expect this one. Men are fantastic!

4. Languages - for me, there is so much power in learning another language, and let's face it, power is cool. Beside the fact that you are stretching your own knowledge of what you know and have known your whole life to accomodate for something entirely different, it's comforting and empowering to know that you can be a bridge between cultures.

5. The Gospel - There is so much I could say about having the Gospel in my life and how it has altered my life for the better every single day. I'm so blessed to know that I'm taken care of for eternity. :D

I want to put other things on here, like photography, food, shoes...but alas....only 5.

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