Thursday, September 25, 2008

Passing the Time

Today is so incredibly slow at work, that I have been looking for anything that will pass the time. I have started a new book (The Turn of the Screw by Henry James - I finished Pride & Prejudice a while ago, and recently finished Mansfield Park, but I think I am a little Jane Austen-ed out and need to take a break from her for a bit), as well as some of Edgar Allen Poe's stories (The Masque of the Red Death, Berenece). I have also held several lengthy conversations with other bored coworkers, ranging from hair products to squirrels. The lastest diversion has been the acquiration of a coworker's stapler (To be put into a large amount of jell-o, of course), as well as the 60 cents he pooled for winning last week's super bowl challenge. He freaked out when he noticed the money was gone, and still doesn't know who took it. (He only asked me if I stole it once - I was actually pretty shocked) He hasn't noticed the stapler because we replaced it with another. I don't think I'll do the jell-o until next week though, because we have a board meeting tomorrow. We are expected to dress professionally, (despite it being casual Friday) so I figure they'd want us to act similarly. :) As for his missing change, I figure I'll tape it to the inside of his desk drawer or to the bottom of his keyboard, so that he can find it on his own and I won't have to reveal myself and my cleverness.
So I had a dream last night that I was the maid of honor for someone's wedding; that someone I don't know. I had on the most amazing dress, and I don't exaggerate. It was so much better than the bride's dress, which is a big no-no in real life, but in dreams I can be as dang sexy as I want and everyone will still love me. Moving on - everyone in the wedding party was sitting down on their own bathroom stall toilets. It was funny because we all knew they were bathrooms, but when you sat down, the bottoms of the stall walls were so high that you could see into the next person's stall easily, so we were all sitting around and conversing. This guy (best man maybe?) two stalls down (Ha! That sounds so funny) passed me a piece of cardboard. It had this deep, intellectual quote on it that was supposed to be romantic. Looking back on it, I don't really see the romance since it was written on a piece of cardboard and, let's face it - we were surrounded by toilets, but I remember thinking of it as a very sweet gesture, and was smitten when I woke up. How weird is that? Hahaha. I don't ever plan on meeting the man of my dreams in a bathroom stall for a wedding, though I really wouldn't be surprised at something so odd happening to me. At all.


kyle said...

That's nice that you've got time to read, even if it may be a little too much time. I'm making time out of my school schedule to read and it is making life so much nicer (though it doesn't make school easier... 'cause I put it off to read for fun). I'm currently reading The Fellowship of the Ring.

If someone ever taped a bunch of change onto the underside of my keyboard, I'd never find it. I can't remember the last time I picked it up... (and of course just because of that I had to do it just now... nope, no change under there).

Interesting dream, I must say. I wish I remembered more of my dreams...

Lindsay said...

I love the reference to the office! Ahh! Strange that he would freak out over 60 cents though. He just needs to let it go. I know that I would never find the change under my keyboard unless something unfortunate happened to it. Then I would get excited that I had found 60 cents. Come on its better than finding that "lucky" penny on the side walk. Just think if a penny is lucky, what is 60 cents.

I am not sure what type of books that you like to read, but I just finished reading the Host which I enjoyed quite a bit. I thought it was much better than the Twilight series that everyone raves about but that is just me. :)

That is a very interesting dream. I think the thing that makes it more humorous to me is that your wearing this awesome dress and sitting on a toilet. Ooh that and you having the guy of your dreams sending you a romantic note on a piece of cardboard and being touched. I have had some really interesting dreams myself...sometimes that are just like sitcoms.

Well we need to hang out again sometime soon.