Thursday, October 30, 2008


I was tagged by Steph to fill out this 8 things Quiz:

T.V. Shows I like to watch

1. The Office
2. Bones
3. Ghost Hunters (TAPS)
4. Most Haunted
5. That cake show with that one guy. :D
6. Golden Girls
7. History's Mysteries
8. ... (It was hard enough to find 7 - I don't watch a lot of TV)

Eight things that happened yesterday

1. I cleaned the heck out of my room. And it's still a cluttered mess!
2. Ate two burritos.
3. Had the house to myself.
4. Went to work and bored myself to death.
5. Finished Inuyasha.
6. Had my date canceled. (Thank heavens!)
7. Went to Smith's.
8. Went to bed late.

Favorite Places to Eat

1. Subway
2. Tepanyaki
3. Wendy's
4. Rumbi Grill
5. Mad Greek
6. Blimpie's
8. Grandma's

Eight Things I'm Looking Forward to

1. Getting my degree.
2. Getting a puppy.
3. Remodeling my room.
4. Learning a few languages.
5. Getting a job I love.
6. Finishing my coat I started 3 years ago.
7. Paying off my car.
8. Traveling.

Eight things on my wishlist

1. New bed
2. New dresser/armoir
3. House
4. Dress form
5. Puppy
6. Food storage a-plenty
7. More time
8. Money for school

Eight People I tag (if you want)

1. Emily
2. Teresa
3. Lindsay
4. Lindsay
5. Kyle
6. Erika
7. Alyssa
8. Krista

(I don't remember if any of you got tagged by Steph already - sorry)

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