Thursday, October 16, 2008


Behold the product of sheer feline malevolence (or maybe just playfulness):

There is a matching set of claw marks on the opposite side of my back, like I was receiving some sort of "hug of death" from behind. This, friends and family, is what happens when you choose to do your hair without a shirt on when you have a half-senile kitten in the room who loves to attack anything that moves. In this case, the power cord to the straightener. And did I mention that this particular half-senile kitten has 7 claws on each paw? I didn't? Well now you know. Sadly, you can't tell by looking at the picture that the kitten is a deadly mutant cat, since only 4 of the claw marks are visible, so it looks like I only got attacked by a deadly regular cat, which is far less cool.

The assassin in question:

Cosmo, kitten extraordinaire.

See how cute she is when not delivering a sadistic reign of terror to her environment?


Teresa said...

Poor baby. Bella dug her claw WAY into my forearm earlier. My offense was daring to stand up whilst cradling her lovingly in my arms. What freaklets they are. And Pooky was downright terrifying earlier. She tried to kill my foot while hiding under the bed. And she stalked Emily up and down the stairs. That's right: stalked. Little Jet was simply adorable all day long, however. Hmm. Surprise! Not.

Lindsay said...

It's not that hard to believe that it could do something like that. :) I love your profile pick...just one thing though you can't really see all that much of you but just the rubber band ball.