Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I miss blogging! School and work make it kind of difficult. But school is awesome and work is not bad. I get kind of annoyed though, because I have a class with this group of kids fresh out of high school who think they are hilarious and just know everything about art and say "like" every other word when talking to each other. :D Not nice of me, I know, but it's true. I still get proposed to every other day at work, but at least the guy's stopped with the secretary thing. And I now have nothing else to say but that I could really got for some waffles right now.


kyle said...

I was just thinking last night (probably about when you wrote this) about how I was sad that you hadn't posted in a while...

Then you post! And now I am happy again.

Lindsay said...

I have been around Jr High kids all week so I can understand some of your annoyance. It almost makes you wanna put duck tape over their mouths for some piece and quite. ;)