Thursday, March 12, 2009

Phwoar!im cookies.

My computer had a virus!
Then my uncle fixed it.
Then my family's computer had a virus!
And then my uncle fixed it.

I shall make have to make him cookies.

So the one time my work finally agrees to put me into another position (I have only been trying for about 2 years now with no luck, because I would take too much training, and they don't have the time for training. Humbug.) and they tell me that I can't do it part time. Well, 3/4 time is what I'm doing. Anyway, that was not a nice trick to play on me. But it's going to be ok because I am going to Lake Powell in a few days and I won't have to deal with them anyway. I'll get to camp and play and boat and they will be stuck sitting between grey walls with nothing but ornery branch managers and motivational posters to keep them company. That sounded bitter. Do I sould bitter?

I'm coming down with something. You should see me right now, I have a wad of tissue stuffed up my right nostril. Haha I still find it funny, despite how crap I feel.

So I read two Shannon Hale novels in two days. I think I'm becoming a fan.

P.S. The title of this post was supposed to just be "Phwoar" but it somehow ended up like it is now. I decided to keep it that way. "Phwoar I'm cookies" (ish) sounds so much more interesting.

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