Friday, January 2, 2009


I'll admit, I have never been one to care much for resolutions. I figure, why wait until the end of the year to make changes in your life that are obviously important enough for you to want to change, when you can pick any other day of the year that is SOONER than December 31st?Why wait? And we all know that virtually nobody keeps their new year's resolutions anyway. So I figure I might as well not make any at all, because heaven knows I'm not motivated. -But- I have changed a little bit these past few months. My motivational level has risen, my temper has straightened a bit, and I'm ready to make some changes. On New Year's Eve I didn't really officially make any resolutions, (I kinda slept straight through the new year... :D ) but thinking about it, I would like to:

1. Get to bed earlier. It even says so in the scriptures! Go to bed early and get up early because it's good for your health, and it gives you more sunlight hours, which is also better for your mood! Plus, getting up earlier would leave me more time for these next two:

2. Go to the temple more often, and

3. Get more excercize. I don't mean go to the gym all the time, but I'd love to run in the mornings, or do my yoga video. Plus, I really need to start going to the temple. I just got my recommend recently, so I can, but now I need to go.

4. Cook more.

5. Sew more. I've been doing these ones more often recently, which has been an immense home skills builder, and has made me more confident in my future.

6. Read more good books. I have also been doing this one for a few months already, but I would like to continue it.

7. Build my talents. I have been losing some of them, and I don't want to. Hopefully I can find time in my soon-to-be crazy schedule. (School starts in a week!)

8. Get on a budget!

9. Do well in school, and keep going!

So that's what I have gotten myself into for this next year. I'm thinking I can pull it off, if I manage my time well. Wish me luck! I'm really serious about these. :D

And maybe I'll mention here what a dork I am. I have been using this awesome moisturizer for about a month or so now, because it actually moisturized my face, was oil-free and all that good stuff, but I realized just the other day that it is actually a cleanser. I don't know how I missed that, but I did. So I've been putting cleanser on my face, my skin soaking it in all night and day, but the funny thing is that it didn't even ruin my skin! It totally acted as if it were a moisturizer. Calamity averted.

1 comment:

kyle said...

Good luck with everything!

I agree, why not make 'resolutions' any time of the year? I think that most people make them now just because it's easier to think of the new year as 'a new season in life' ... or something epic like that ... and that makes it easier to change. We, as humans, generally look for the easy way to do everything. That or we put it off, almost thinking that it being a new year will help us make the changes easier because /ZAP/ we're a new person. It's all in the mind...

But, whatever works works, right?

Good list, by the way.